Searching for multiplicity, in computer science and daily life. PhD student Rodrigo Ochigame designs alternative search engines and seeks to disrupt cultural assumptions in their teaching and research.
August 15, 2021

5 Fun Facts about the History of MIT-India
July 29, 2021

Inaugural fund supports early-stage collaborations between MIT and Jordan
July 29, 2021

Global collaboration surges post-pandemic
July 8, 2021

New clues to why there’s so little antimatter in the universe
July 7, 2021

The Second COVID Wave: A Ground Report from India
June 24, 2021

Grace Moore ’21 receives Michel David-Weill Scholarship
June 22, 2021

Introducing MIT’s Fulbright Recipients for India
May 28, 2021

Thirteen from MIT awarded 2021 Fulbright Fellowships
May 24, 2021